
Canardie is a brand of the Ducs de Gascogne company. Since 1953, Ducs de Gascogne has been producing whole foie gras, foie gras and special dishes from the region. Its foie gras were recognized several times during the "Concours Général Agricole" in Paris.

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Manufacturer of foie gras, pates and terrines.

Canardieis a trademark from Ducs de Gascogne company.
Since 1953 that Ducs de Gascogne is a manufacturer of whole foie gras, bloc of foie gras and special dishes from the region; and selector of products from the region, under the sign of craft industry and quality.

The goose and duck foies gras have been several time rewarded during the “Concours Général Agricole” in Paris.
Innovation is also one of the main point of its activity: getting inspired by traditional recipes from South-west and culinary trends, the company creates new recipes each year, in order to offer its clients a wide range of products from the region.

It is in this context that in 1992 the brand Canardie was born, dedicated to the mass retailers network. In 2003 the Jean de Veyrac brand is launched for pâtés & terrines.

Today, Ducs de Gascogne distribute its products in more than 40
countries and about 500 000 hampers made and shipped / year. They have 250 distributors (delicatessens and wine shops), 4 establishments and 4 franchises.

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